Friday, March 22, 2013

Box of Sunshine

It seems that Oregon has had a particularly grey and rainy winter, or at least that is what my Facebook feed was telling me.  My BFF was reaching the height of winter fatigue and fighting a never ending cold, and I found myself wishing I could send her some of the plentiful Arizona sunshine.  Then I remembered seeing a cute idea on Pinterest awhile back for sending a "box of sunshine" (I'm not sure who first came up with this idea, but it might have been Happy Money Saver).  Since citrus is so plentiful here this time of year, I decided to build the box around that.  I went on a mission to find yellow and orange things to fill the box with, and made a few citrus treats.  Here is what I came up with!

In the box:
Locally grown oranges
Lemon Curd made from local lemons (maybe don't send this in the mail - it needs to be refrigerated)
Blood Orange Syrup made from locally grown blood oranges
Dried mango and candied ginger tucked into cute little yellow and white treat bags
A citrus juicer
Yellow and white chevron stripe washi tape
Yellow and white chevron stripe straws
Lemon soap
Lemon body wash
Yellow note cards
Emergen-C Super Orange Drink Packets
Tazo Wild Sweet Orange Tea
A mix CD that I made (Yes, we still make each other mix CDs.  We would probably still make each other mix tapes if we had the technology)

Packaging for oranges

Lemon Curd and Blood Orange Syrup

Little Sunshine

Don't be jealous of my artwork.  Why dinosaurs, you ask?  I think the more important question is why NOT dinosaurs?
This was a really fun package to put together, although finding yellow and orange things when you are looking for them is harder than you would think!  I had tons of ideas for items to put in this package that I couldn't find.  But I did end up finding more than enough cute things that fit the theme, and in fact almost didn't have enough room for everything.  

You can tailor the contents to whoever you are sending the package too.  Rather than just going out and buying a bunch of cheap generic stuff, I wanted to pick out specific items that I thought my friend would like and want to use.  This added to the challenge and made picking out the items more fun.  You could really take this idea and adapt the theme to be any color or even a state theme.  Run with it!

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